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 Topical Scripture Studies!

Alive from the Center means being alive with the presence of Jesus within you. Many of us go through life looking for God before we discover that Jesus is living within us.


The video at your right explains what this website is all about. The setting is the entry to the Church of the Navity where Jesus was born in a manger. It is located in the basement of the church. Right next to Jesus birthplace is the Cave of St. Jerome who spent 40 years translating the Hebrew Scriptures (OT) into the Latin Vulgate. This is where our venture into God's Word through Topical Studies Begins—in a very fitting place.


PLEASE CLICK ON THE Picture and then the arrow.


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The Goal of this Ministry is to assist all who visit these pages to have a personal knowledge and relationship with Our Lord Jesus. The HUB of the wheel is Jesus. The SPOKES represent all colors of people. The RIM is the community that connects us to Jesus. The TIRE allows us to go out to the world with His message!

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